Monday, March 28, 2011

What is 'Gypsy'

A true gypsy is someone who is not a follower of mainstream. In fact, I know gypsy was the way of living before people got into a comfort zone of sorts. 
On the general, gypsy has a talent to share. Wether it be Tarot cards fortune telling, reading palms, reading tea leaves, cloud reading, astrology, plant and herbs healing, etc..
Because so long ago (and some still do) Gypsies lived off the land and their talents/crafts/artistry, becoming one with nature was a must. 
Gypsies today live amongst the people of the cities and towns, but you can always pick us out :) We usually dress funny (in comparison with the norm), very colorful and romantic, maybe a little 'witchy'. Almost always do we wear natural fabriques of silk, cotton, linen and the like. Anyway, to be more in sinc with universe. 
Gypsies have had a bad wrap for as long as I can remember, we are not all bad! I personally prefer my artistry work as opposed to sitting in an office in corporate world. The people I can count on most is Me, so I work hard to manifest material gains for my needs, and most of the time this so very basic. My husband too is an artist and genius. Can do and be anything society would consider amazing, but choose to be true our hearts and utilize genius in artistic ways. As you would guess, we buy sell trade our work. I read tarot cards, work with nature (not against), ordained minister for officiating unique weddings for friends (and for anyone who asks for me), I am a licensed Soul-Life Coach, anyway you get the picture.
Gypsies do work that is valuable, meaningful, useful and to share this wisdom is how we work. Where ever we are is the place to Be. Tap into what is needed and we do it! Do not wait for fulfillment to happen,  live it every moment of every day. Not all my days are  perfect days, but I acknowledge the speed bumps and road blocks as a lesson to be learned somehow. I may not always get it right away, but I do try very hard to be true to good. Reading tarot for friends and others is probably just as enlightening for me as for them. I gain much wisdom with not only my eyes but my being open to people who are extremely shut off. Say less to them, and allow them to unfold. I get many of this type at my tarot table (which you would expect this type of personality to never stop at a tarot table), the skeptics have become my most loyal client and friend, most appreciative. Brings tears to my eyes sometimes to think how long a person has held on to such anger and hatred and deep hidden sadness. My work is never boring, always very enlightening, rewarding, people are more fabulous than we can ever imagine. So caught up in main stream is killing our senses of what is true, we are merely walking around in a fog of 'doing' instead of 'being'.  This moment is all we really have. Time is our most precious resource. Where are you right this moment? Are you where you want to Be? Are you living true to you, or are you living for someone or something else? 

Comments and questions always welcome.